liferibermine_EN Coordination of LIFE RIBERMINE visits the Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal (Portugal) – January 15th 2020 The Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal (CCV Lousal), recieved, on January the 15th, 2020, Javier…Life RibermineAugust 5, 2020
liferibermine_EN Start of studies for the application of the Talus Royal® method in the Santa Engracia mine (Peñalén, Spain) – December 5-6th 2019 Paul Royal, owner of the company Gènie Gèologique sarl ( and inventor of the Talus…Life RibermineAugust 5, 2020
liferibermine_EN Personnel from the Swedish company LKAB, owner of the Kiruna mine, visit the LIFE RIBERMINE scenarios in the Alto Tajo – October 2019 In the last 8th of October, 2019, personnel from the mining and environmental planning departments…Life RibermineAugust 5, 2020