Paul Royal, owner of the company Gènie Gèologique sarl ( and inventor of the Talus Royal® method, visited, between the 5th and the 6th of December, the different scenarios of LIFE RIBERMINE in Alto Tajo (Spain) to initiate the necessary studies for the application of this method within the framework of this project. The expert was accompanied by José Francisco Martín Duque (UCM).
Paul Royal made the relevant field observations and annotated the characteristics of the exploitation fronts of the Santa Engracia mine where the Talus Royal® method will be applied together with the GeoFluvTM method. The application of both methods combined is a great achievement for this project, as it will be the first time in the world that both methods are integrated to build a mining restoration.
José Francisco Martín Duque (UCM) and Paul Royal (Gènie Gèologique sarl) in one of the LIFE RIBERMINE project sceneries in the Alto Tajo.