The company CAOBAR, S.A. ( is dedicated to the exploitation and processing of kaoliniferous sand, clay, feldspar and quartz. This mining company has mines in operation since 1967 in the vicinity of the project site (ATNP Protection Buffer Zone), operating successfully on materials similar to those present on the mining degraded areas that are to intervene.
CAOBAR S.A. has already developed two pioneer pilot restorations in its mines, following the GeoFluv methodology (in El Machorro and Maria José mines, and in another nearby, the Nuria mine) in collaboration with other partner of this project, the UCM, with whom has been working since 2007.

In 2015, in the framework of the II Forum Sustainable Development Mining-Metallurgic (II Foro de Desarrollo Minero-Metalúrgico Sostenible), CAOBAR S.A. together with the Geomorphologic Mining Restoration group (Grupo de Restauración Geomorfológica) – GMR from the UCM, was awarded with the II Prize of Sustainable Mining and Metallurgy (II Premio de Minería y Metalurgia Sostenibles) within the project entitled “Sustainable Mining in the Alto Tajo Natural Park: automatic control of water quality of mines and restoration of ecosystem goods and services by geomorphological restoration” (Minería sostenible en el entorno del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo: control automático de la calidad de las aguas de las minas y restauración de bienes y servicios ecosistémicos mediante restauración geomorfológica).

Together, they also made possible the recognition of GMR techniques, by the European Union, as a BAT “Best Available Technique for the Management of Waste from the Extractive Industries”, in accordance with the Directive 2006/21/EC.