Team members of Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal (CCVL), made a field trip along the area of influence of the old Mining Villa and its surroundings, in order to inventory the main native flora which occurs in the meadows and natural pastures of the region. To find as many flowering plants as possible (and considering the limitations imposed by the confinement due to Covid 19), the work was done in the spring, more precisely on the 21st of May.
The survey aimed to identify the most common species, namely leguminous and grassplot, to select those best suited to the revegetation of the intervention area in Portugal, according to the characteristics of the substrate.
According to what is specified in the LIFE RIBERMINE project, in this place, after the physical interventions of geomorphological modeling and soil preparation, it is intended to sow a mixture (mulching) composed by several native herbaceous plants (a minimum of six different species), that naturally will evolve into natural pastures.
The Lousal Restoration Plan, which is currently being prepared, will integrate the collected information, which, in addition to its practical application in revegetation, allowed to learn more about the plant biodiversity in this area.
Inventory of the herbaceous flora in Lousal.