The LIFE Platform Meeting on Soils was held in Pamplona (Spain) on 10-11 April. This event, co-organised by the LIFE NAdapta and LIFE IP Urban Klima 2050 projects, aimed to foster networking, feedback and policy input among stakeholders involved in soil-related projects funded by the LIFE Programme. The meeting covered three main soil sectors: conservation and adaptation, contamination and bioremediation, and management and mitigation.
In total some 50 projects participated, including the LIFE RIBERMINE project. Two representatives of the project, Cristina Martín Moreno (UCM) and Adoración Solorzano showed there a poster of the project made for the occasion where the techniques related to soil remediation that have been developed in the framework of the RIBERMINE project were briefly explained.
The participation was very profitable, having carried out networking activities and also having verified the interest aroused by the project in this very specific forum on soils.