On the 18th and 19th of April, two events of LIFE RIBERMINE project took place. On the 18th, Dr. Pete Whitbread-Abrutat, Managing Director of the company Future Terrains and editor of the book `101 things to do with a hole in the ground`, gave the seminar “A Mine Ends. Then What?” at the Faculty of Geological Sciences (UCM). During this seminar, co-organised by the Master in Environmental Geology, in collaboration with the Master in Ecosystem Restoration, the Mine and Quarry Restoration Network and the LIFE RIBERMINE Project, Pete showed different examples of mine closures ranging from the impressive Eden Project to other architectural and environmental solutions. The seminar was attended by 72 people, 41 in the room and 31 online.
Taking advantage of this event, the journalist Jaime Fernández, from Tribuna Cumplutense, conducted an interview with the UCM professors who have participated in the LIFE RIBERMINE project, the result of the interview was published the following.