Within the scope of the “CIÊNCIA VIVA NO VERÃO” (ALIVE SCIENCE IN THE SUMMER) program developed annually by the Ciência Viva Network in Portugal, the Ciência Viva Center of Lousal/LIFE RIBERMINE promoted the theoretical-practical action entitled “Eradication of acacias”, on the morning of the 7th of August (between 8.30am and 11.30am).
This action is part of the preparatory actions of the Lousal Restoration Plan, and was aimed at the general public, having included an introduction in the auditorium, followed by field work. After the theoretical training, the participants had the opportunity to peel several specimens of Acacia dealbata Link. (mimosa) – considered one of the main plant invaders in mainland Portugal (with a Risk Level of 31) – which proliferate in the area of influence of the Lousal Pilot Project, as well as observing the results of a previous action, carried out on May 26th of 2021 (see the news).

It was found that the specimens submitted to peeling are in clear decline and already quite dry, confirming the suitability and success of the physical control method applied.
This action constituted yet another moment of knowledge of various environmental issues related to metallic mining, for the dissemination of LIFE RIBERMINE and its objectives, also allowing for a real involvement of the public in its implementation. The participants were very pleased with the knowledge acquired and excited to be able to contribute to the implementation of this Project!

Theoretical contextualization of acacias control, in the Pilot Area of the LIFE RIBERMINE Project, in the CCVLousal auditórium, by Mónica Martins (CCVLousal/LIFE RIBERMINE).

One of the difficulties of acacia peeeling in this location is due to the steep slopes of the area.

Current appearance of trees debarked at the end of May, already quite dry, showing the effectiveness of the applied control method (peeling).

Demonstration of the peeling of Acacia dealbata Link.

Participants in the action “Eradication of acacias”, after peeling.