The “Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal” celebrated the International Day of Monuments and Sites, April 18th, through an Interpretative route entitled “Legs to Walk – Discovering the Village of Lousal” (“Pernas Pr’Andar – Descobrir a Aldeia Mineira do Lousal”) which included an explanatory stop in the future implementation area of the Pilot Project of Lousal (PPLousal).
Biodiversity observation of the riparian galleries of Ribeira de Corona
The 20 public participants were able to get to know the fundamentals of the LIFE RIBERMINE Project and its objectives: to apply and test measures to correct the Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), caused by the metallic mining of pyrites, in order to improve the quality of the water and soils in the region. The hikers, guided by members of the CCVLousal and LIFE RIBERMINE team, visited the natural surroundings of the mine, including the Ribeira de Corona and Ribeira de Espinhaço-de-Cão water lines, which are directly affected by AMD.
The participants in this event, showed a lot of interest in knowing more about the Project, having asked several questions, and were made aware of the environmental consequences of the exploration of metallic ores, as well as of the efforts that are being initiated by LIFE RIBERMINE to correct these impacts in the environment.
Lousal Pilot Project surrounding, next to the old railway line for the transportation of pyrites.
The physical intervention on the ground, for the implementation of the PPLousal, will start in September 2021, aiming to function as a demo tool for the application of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) in the correction of DAM, and several guided visits to the site are planned.
Photo of the visit on April 18th, 2021, to the future intervention area in Lousal, with 20 participants from the public.