The LIFE RIBERMINE and LignoBioLife projects signed a collaboration agreement at the beginning of March 2021, thus expanding the respective networks.
The project “LignoBioLife CCM/ES000051 – Desarrollo de bioproductos de alto valor añadido a partir de residuos forestales mediante tecnología microondas” ( links the use of agricultural and forest waste to the generation of bio products, thus contributing to combat climate change. It aims to demonstrate the environmental, technical and economic feasibility of the industrial development and commercialization of bio-products with high added value (low carbon, of organic origin and in demand in the market), from lignocellulosic residues from forest pruning and cleaning, through assisted thermochemical conversion by microwave. The generated bioproducts are intended to be applied as soil amendments (Biochar) and bio-herbicides (Wood vinegar).
The LIFERIBERMINE Project will test Biochar for fertilization and soil improvement, analyzing its effects on the restoration and revegetation techniques that are being implemented in the intervention areas of the Project in Spain (Peñalén, Guadalajara).
The reuse of vegetable waste in the installation of native vegetation, will thus result in a practical and beneficial collaboration for both parties, which unites common objectives of these Projects, in particular, the fight against climate change, and, the environmental sustainability.