The Centro Ciência Viva do Lousal carried out a face-to-face action on the LIFE RIBERMINE Project, on August 1st, 2020, as part of the “Plantas em Movimento” (Plants in Movement) activity. This activity integrates the “CIRCUITOS CIÊNCIA VIVA NO VERÃO” (ALIVE SCIENCE IN THE SUMMER) Program, which runs from July 15th to September 15th, and is promoted annually by the Rede Ciência Viva in Portugal, consisting of several theoretical-practical activities directed to the general public.
The activity started with a short presentation of the objectives of the event and the participants, in the auditorium of CCVLousal. It was followed by an interpretative walk on flora, vegetation and landscape, guided by Mónica Martins (member of CCVLousal and collaborator of the LIFE RIBERMINE project), through the wetlands of Lousal, namely along the old Corta Mineira do Lousal and its Lagoons, the margins of the Corona River and the Bioremediation Wetland System. For this action was also invited Carlos Vila-Viçosa, a researcher at Cibio – Porto, who develops his works on taxonomy and evolution of the Quercus genus in the Mediterranean basin.
Some particularities of this former mining area dedicated to the extraction of pyrite, were explained, namely the associated environmental problems (in particular the Acid Mine Drainage – AMD) that can affect biodiversity and the quality of ecosystems, such as the important habitat of the Natura 2000 Network “Habitat 92A0 – Salix alba and Populus alba galleries ”, Riparian forests of the Mediterranean basin dominated by Salix alba, Salix fragilis or their relatives, which occur along the banks of the Ribeira de Corona. In the visited section, it was possible to appreciate, identify and photograph several plant species with high interest for conservation, insects, and some birds.
During the field trip, it was visited the Bioremediation System installed by the Empresa de Desenvolvimento Mineiro, EDM (1st installation phase in 2010-2011 and 2nd phase in 2014-2015), which uses limestone beds to favor the ascent of the pH of the acidic waters, and also native flora (heavy metals bioaccumulating macrophyte plants) in order to mitigate and correct the AMD, in one of the most affected areas by this phenomenon in Lousal, before these acidic waters reach Ribeira de Corona and other water lines belonging to the Sado basin. This area will also be intervened in the scope of the LIFE RIBERMINE project.
The participants in this activity were well informed on the ecology and botanical richness of Lousal, especially related with the Ribeira de Corona (but not only), as well as the need for knowledge and preservation of such natural heritage, recognizing the merit and suitability of the LIFE RIBERMINE project in this region!
Observation of “Lagoa Verde “(Green Lagoon) and interpretation of the surrounding vegetation, in the old Corta Mineira do Lousal.
Carlos Vila-Viçosa explains to the participants how to distinguish the leaves of different Quercus sp. existing in the region (potential area of cork oak communities with holm oaks).
Some of the participants in the “Plants in Movement” activity, wich included an
raising awareness action of the LIFE RIBERMINE project.
Stretch of the riparian gallery of Ribeira de Corona (Lousal), Habitat 92A0 – Natura 2000 network.