The Faculty of Engineering of the Lusófona University (Portugal), was present at the “Mine of Scincne – Lousal Science Center”, on May 7th, to learn in situ, the main environmental impacts caused by the polymetallic mining of pyrites, and, respective forms of mitigation and minimization. This visit included a presentation on Life Ribermine and a visit to the Lousal Pilot Project.
The field trip included a walk inside the restored area. In the photo, can be seen the channels filled with limestone, placed at the bottom of the valleys.
The visit to the Mine, guided by CCVLousal/Life Ribermine, was aimed at students from various Degrees (Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biotechnology, Industrial Engineering and Management and Electrotechnical Engineering), focusing particularly on the subjects of “General and Applied Geology” and “Soil Pollution”, and from the Master in Environmental Engineering (“Characterization and Remediation of Soils and Aquifers”). A total of 19 students and two Professors (Anabela Cruces and Elisabete Maurício) were able to examine details of the mining cut, collect samples of rocks from the old mining heap, and analyze the water contaminated by the Acid Mining Drainage.
The students were very happy about visiting the Lousal Pilot Project!
Mónica Martins (CCVLousal/Life Ribermine), Anabela Cruces (Universidade Lusófona) ad Elisabete Maurício (Lusófona University).
The field trip, also included the observation and explanation of the existing Bioremedation System, and, of course, the PPLousal. The great usefulness of these classes in a real context was reflected in the ease of apprehension of new knowledge by the students, who posed several opportune questions, observing in practice and reflecting on the pertinence and adequacy of the methods and techniques applied. They were particularly attentive to the mandatory needs for continuous maintenance and monitoring of any project of environmental nature, namely environmental recovery of mining sites. They were very enthusiastic about the results obtained to date, through the intervention of Life Ribermine with the application of the Best Available Techniques (BAT) in ecological restauration of mines.
Once again, Life Ribermine welcomes such privileged contacts with teachers, students and future professionals from different environmental areas, which strongly contribute to the communication of the results and dissemination of the BAT of mining ecological restoration used in this project!
Full group.