LIFE RIBERMINE held a field training course, in its intervention areas and its networker LIFE TECMINE, in Spain, between October 20 and 22, aiming at the transfer of knowledge and results to companies involved in the ecological restoration of mining areas in Europe.
This course (one of several knowledge transfer training courses programmed by the LIFE RIBERMINE project) was administered by the Complutense University of Madrid – University of Zaragoza (LIFE TECMINE and LIFE RIBERMINE), Valencian Generalitat (LIFE TECMINE), Castilla Communities Council – La Mancha and GEACAM (LIFE RIBERMINE), and entirely made “in situ”.
The training recipients totaled 12 people, belonging to 7 different companies (4 Swedish and 3 Spanish), namely: VAST (Swedish company for geomorphological restoration, which is transferring LIFE RIBERMINE and LIFE TECMINE solutions to Scandinavian countries), COPPERSTONE (Swedish mining company that will explore a new mine in northern Sweden, adopting LIFE RIBERMINE and LIFE TECMINE solutions), KJELLINS (excavation company, which will develop a Pilot Project based on LIFE RIBERMINE, at the Svappavaara mine, in northern Sweden ), LKAB (Swedish state-owned mining company, the main iron producer in the European Union, which will apply LIFE RIBERMINE solutions in its Kiruna and Svappavaara mines), CAOBAR – CONSTRUCCIONES FÉLIX MOYA (one of the Spanish partners of LIFE RIBERMINE), SAMCA (main mining company in Spanish capital, which is adopting solutions from LIFE TECMINE and LIFE RIBERMINE), HOLCIM (mining company) and CINCLUS PLEGADIS (consultancy company for restoration ecological in mining). The registration of the images was in charge of FOTOLANGA.
Javier de La Villa (project coordinator) and José Francisco Martín Duque (partner UCM) explaining geomorphological restoration designs. Photo: @FOTOLANGA
The course coincided with the development of machine handling for LIFE RIBERMINE in Peñalen, a fortunate event of extraordinary value, especially for the trainees responsible for earthworks in Sweden (company Kjellins). All actions of the geomorphological restoration project, using GeoFluv – Natural Regrade, were carried out by a backhoe, a bulldozer and two mining trucks. The training also included demonstrations with differential GPS, for the field implementation of geoforms projected in CAD, and drone flights for the acquisition of photographic images and topographic data (see photos).
The transfer of techniques and the replication of the positive results obtained is one of the most important objectives of the “LIFE Ambiente” projects supported by the European Union, and the LIFE RIBERMINE project is strongly and actively committed to its realization!
Technical conversations between operators of CAOBAR-FÉLIX MOYA, trainers, technicians and operators of Swedish mining companies. Photo: @FOTOLANGA
Field explanations. Photo: @FOTOLANGA
Training course assistants. Photo: @@FOTOLANGA