The Monitoring Committee of the LIFE RIBERMINE team held its fourth meeting on the occasion of the second visit of the Monitor of the External Monitoring Team (NEEMO), Borja Domínguez, in the the past 2nd and 4th of June.
The event took place in two sessions: the first on June 2nd, by videoconference, during which the monitor carried out some administrative review tasks, necessary for the correct development of the Project. Subsequently, the partners presented the technical development, through an exhaustive review of all the actions, with a greater focus on the restoration tasks already carried out in the intervention areas in Spain, where photographs and videos of the intervention areas were presented. Reference was also made to the completion of the Lousal Restoration Plan and the planned works, which will begin next September.
The second session took place on June 4th and consisted of a physical visit to Peñalén by the monitor, accompanied by some members of the LIFE RIBERMINE team. Those present visited the the intervened areas of the Santa Engracia mine and were able to observe the spectacular current state of the external heaps, as result of the evolution of the processes of geomorphological remodeling of the terrain, soil spreading, edaphic corrections, and revegetation, tasks which were carried out during the previous year (2020). It was also possible to observe the development of the earthmoving works inside the mining pit of the Santa Engracia mine, in front of the Poveda road, whose restoration will be completed this year.
The results of the applied restoration techniques are beginning to be observed with a high degree of satisfaction, which encourages the entire team to continue their work on this Project.
Some of the participants in the fourth meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the LIFE RIBERMINE Project (2nd June).
Videoconference meeting (June 2nd). Print screen of the presentation of the technical part of the project.
Exterior heaps restored in July-October 2020. It is possible to observe the high degree of vegetation cover and its harmonious integration into the surrounding environment.
Visit of the monitor, accompanied by project members, to the works already carried out in the external heaps of the Santa Engracia mine (June 4th).